Special to DTA Online
By Rhonda Bowlden
DFG Icon Todd Abbot has finished the principle breakdowns and pencils for "Captain Nepto Prime" June. Mr. Abbot was gracious enough to answer a few questions about the issue.
RB: Feedback has been very positive about the new series. The fans agree that the flavour of the series has been recaptured even though it's 25 years later. What is your reaction to that?
TA: I could play down my enthusiasm and try to be cool, but I'll leave that for Darryl and his comments. I'm thrilled by the finished product. Everyone at DFG is putting a lot of heart into the project and realizes just how special this year has and will be for the legacy of DFG.
RB: "Spy Comics Presents" after a few stops and starts has gained speed and has scheduled releases every month planned to coincide with the "Prime" series; has there ever been a more productive time at DFG that you can remember?
TA: The early years of the company were heavy, very productive...it was the base of all that we have to work with now. I'd agree that today mirrors that time and all the stuff in the middle doesn't touch what we're all doing now.
RB: What is your favourite sequence in "Prime" June?
TA: I like the whole issue...it's very simple, straight forward....like the original series..., but then again, when I break it down I realize it introduces the secret cavern, the return of the lighthouse, the Nepto Sub and the super scientific ray gun that will have long lasting impact on the DFG Universe...hmmm, I guess it's a pretty significant issue after all...
RB: What can you tell me about the July issue? Is it still going to feature the Man-Hunter and a rather large Art Collection theft?
TA: Believe it or not, Darryl, Dan & I have every intention of following the initial schedule even though we've come up with many, many more ideas of stories and characters to introduce.
RB: New characters? Can you tell us about some?
TA: New arch nemesis labelled "Sista Sinna", who is highly spiritual, dangerous and full of poison...that's all I can tell you...oh, and Nepto will be poisoned...
RB: When can we expect her debut?
TA: "Captain Nepto Prime" August 'nuff said!!